Winning With Marked Deck of Cards

A properly marked deck is a great tool for magic using cards. Some people are hesitant to use them, but, like any other gaff, they could help with certain tricks.

A deck marked with a mark can only be effective if it’s a well-constructed trick and an effective technique. It’s also worth remembering that the markings should be subtle enough to ward off suspicion.

Product Introduction

A marked deck appears like any other deck, but contains subtle markings that magicians and sharps can make use of to determine the value and suitability of the particular card. It permits them to cheat in gambling games or perform tricks. However using decks marked with markings is illegal and unprofessional. There are other uses for these cards, like teaching magic or enhancing certain card games. Marked cards can be used to test the reactions of a person who is watching the performance of a trick.

There are several types of marked decks on the market including contact lens, barcode scanner, and invisible marking systems. These decks are marked with special contact lenses, sunglasses or smartphone apps. Contact lens-marked decks are the most well-known and are available in different colors and designs. One of the most sought-after is the Brooklyn Playing Cards, which includes a shaded printing method that can be read from an extended distance or even in low light. Another option is the LPCC’s Sharps which feature the marking system based on David Blaine’s White Lions playing cards. Boris Wild’s method of marking decks is very popular, and it is taught in his book Hidden in Plain Sight (2001). The notes for the lecture Transparency (2012) contain an updated version of this information.

If you are a beginner in the art of card magic or a professional There is a marked deck that is ideal for your needs. The trick is to treat the deck as if were normal decks and avoid using any magic tricks which reveal the markings. If you perform this, the audience will not suspect the existence of the card marked with marks and will be more likely to believe your deception.

If you want a marked deck that is normal and doesn’t attract attention, look at the Marked Maiden Back Deck. This deck of Bicycle cards features simple markings for readers that can be read by anyone, however they are inaccessible to those who don’t know where they are. It also comes with a free set of instructional videos from Jon Armstrong and Rick Lax making it a great option for beginners to learn how to play cards.


If they’re used by magicians attempting to perfect their sleight-of-hand or by cheaters who seek an unfair advantage, marked decks have long been a part of the arsenal of both. They’re not only an example of mankind’s fascination with deceit and sleight of hand, but they continue to delight and amaze with their amazing effects.

Marked decks include subtle markings that allow magicians and cheats identify a card even in low-light conditions or from the distance. The markings are subtle and can range from tiny dots to scratches on the back of the cards. A more sophisticated marked deck is used by card cheats. It employs shading technology to highlight specific areas of the cards to ensure that only they are able to see the marks. This kind of marked deck is also called”juice deck “juice deck” and is often difficult to recognize in normal lighting conditions.

While many of the modern custom decks produced by custom deck makers contain some sort of marking, they’re generally included as a purely novelty feature, and are not intended to be used to perform magic. However, there are some marked decks designed with serious card magic in mind. These decks are marked with an electronic reading system that makes it easier for magicians and tricksters to identify the card.

The majority of marked decks are made for an electronic reader system, or a coded system. The reader system lets you examine the back of the card and read the markings. This will reveal what the card’s contents are. A coded system is, on the other hand requires other clues to identify the card.

A well-constructed and designed marked deck can produce some impressive effects, but it’s crucial to remember that a deck of marked cards is only as effective as the magician who plays with it. To produce a miracle, you need smooth handling and technique and a solid trick structure and a compelling presentation. Utilizing a marked deck to make an error made by a spectator is cheating, and although it may work sometimes but it will not stand up before an audience.


A marked deck of cards is a common deck with subtle markings that are not visible to the naked eye. These marks are used to determine the value and suitability of a particular card by a cheat or magician and allow them to perform tricks and alter game. It is illegal and unprofessional to play with a marked deck in casinos or in a card game. Casinos have ways to detect it.

The two major types of marked decks are reader systems and codes systems. Reader systems are more obvious than coded systems and work by allowing the user to read the back of cards. For example, a card that is a 4 of clubs would include the number “4” printed on its back. These kinds of marked decks are generally user-friendly, but they come with a higher chance of being spotted by players or casinos.

Coded systems are more subtle and rely on other indicators in order to determine the value and suits. The marked deck of Theodore De Land is one of the most sought-after. It was first released more than 100 years ago, and is still in use today under names like “DeLand’s Original $100 deck”.

It is crucial to buy a marked deck of top quality and has a top system. A high-quality marked deck should also look like it’s designed to withstand scrutiny from magicians and spectators. It should also have ample markings in order that the magician can easily read them at a glance.

Some magicians are worried that they’ll be caught using a marked deck, however this isn’t the case. Numerous professional magicians have used marked decks for a variety of shows, and they have never been caught. The trick is to have a well-constructed magic routine, and to manage your spectators with care. If you’re cautious and your trick is entertaining to watch, then people watching will not be able to tell that you are using a deck of cards.


While the marked deck of cards may seem as a risky cheating tool for card games but it’s actually one of the most beneficial tools a magician can have. It can be used to create a variety of effects, and it can even help you save your trick when things go wrong.

To make use of a marked deck, you must understand the type of effect you’re planning to create. There are two kinds of marked decks that are generally produced commercially, and both are available at reputable magic suppliers:

The most common type of marked deck is called a “reader” deck that is printed with invisible markings that tell you the value and suit of the cards when you view them from different angles. This is the most popular type of marked deck that you’ll find in shops selling magic. It’s easy to use after you learn how to read the markings.

Coded decks are a different kind of marked decks. They utilize invisible codes or clues that will let you know which card you’re looking at from various angles. This is a much more sophisticated kind of mark, and it is more difficult to read, yet it can be very valuable in certain card tricks. Coded decks are usually sold by gambling casinos, or by individuals who create them by using luminous liquids or other methods.

Both decks marked with markings are beneficial to magicians and can be used in many different routines. You should pick a guide or a video that comes with your deck, so that you learn to read and incorporate markings into your performance.

The book Hidden in Plain Sight by Kirk Charles and Boris Wild is a great place to begin. However, there are other books that provide basic suggestions, such as Ted Lesley’s Working Performer’s Marked deck Manual (1983). If you want to see how it appears in use, check out the YouTube videos of TAGSMagic, who offers an excellent example of how to make your own marking deck at home.